Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Guide to Spotting Fake Juicy Couture Bags

Here are a few ways to avoid getting a fake bag:
1) I personally absolutely would not buy from anyone overseas, especially China and Hong Kong. Almost all of the fake bags I've seen come from sellers in these two places (although not all), so while an overseas seller is not a guarantee that the bag is fake, it's a lot more likely. And just because a seller is in the United States, it does not mean that their bags are necessarily real. This is just a jumping off point for me when I'm looking for bags.
2) Another easy way to tell is to look at the stitching on the 'J' hang tags on the mirror inside and the leather fob outside.

Some fakes now have subtler differences in the fobs, or try to hide them in the pictures. In a fake bag, the J stitching on the inside mirror will also be off, so ask the seller for a close-up picture of the back of the mirror to check if one isn't displayed.
As you can see on these, just looking at the stitching quality of the parts can help you. the shape of the heart is also useful to check. Juicy's hearts are well-defined, coming in to a v shape where the fob connects to its leather strap. The fob is also thick and squishy-looking. Fakes are made of low-quality leather, so the fob will look flatter and the stitching will be of poor quality. Lately, Juicy bags have had more variable J shapes, so stitching quality is especially important to look for.
3) Look at the texture and quality of the leather. Juicy's leather is really nice - heavy, soft, and gorgeously textured. Fake bags look smooth and plasticky. Real cowhide leather is expensive. You can find really good deals on Juicy bags on ebay, but you have to look for them. If a price seems too good to be true, it probably is - especially a buy-it-now price.
4) Look at the inside, on the bottom where it says 'Love, P & G.' Real bags have a plain brown cotton material (same as the rest of the lining) that matches the color of the printed part of the lining. A lot of the fakes that I've seen have a felt-like material on the bottom instead, so it doesn't match the color of the printed lining exactly - it's usually a slightly warmer tone. Some newer Juicy bags also have different colored cotton lining - make sure all parts of the lining have the same base color. The new higher-priced Juicy bags have lavender satin lining. Juicy has also been changing their logo to 'Love, G & P.' Proctor and Gamble raised trademark issues regarding the old logo, so Juicy is phasing it out. While examining the lining, also check the material the inner pockets are made out of and look at the stitching on them. I've seen fakes that look good on the outside, but have cheap-looking and badly sewn inner pockets - a dead giveaway to someone who's looking at the details.
5) I've never seen Juicy wrap anything of theirs in plastic. Not the handles, not the bag's parts, not anything. They use tissue paper to wrap things like zippers and charms, not plastic. Anything with plastic-wrapped components is probably fake. It's possible that Juicy does wrap some things in plastic that I don't know about, but I've seen bags in their original factory packaging (before they're put out on the sales floor) and I've only ever seen paper wrappings. The only exception: there's a plastic lining on the inside mirror. New wallets will also have foam padding as well as tissue paper on the inside unless the seller has removed it.
6) This one is usually kind of hard if you don't have the bag sitting in front of you, but you can compare the engraving on the rivets of the bag to an authentic Juicy bag - the font/shape of the engravings will look wrong. It can be difficult to get the rivets to show up in pictures, but it's definitely something to check if you've received a bag and suspect it may be fake. If you suspect a fake, also check the inside Juicy label and compare it to an authentic one. A buyer recently sent me a question regarding the color of interior tags on Juicy bags; they're all pink.

7) There shouldn't be a rectangular tag saying 'Protect your J zipper.
on an authentic bag. These tags are for hoodies and other clothing items with zippers on them, and contain washing instructions on how to prevent damage to the J zipper. The tags have nothing to do with bags, and Juicy doesn't put them on bags. If a bag is advertised as 'new with tags,' ask for a close-up picture of the tag with the barcode, price, and Juicy product name. Many fakes advertised as NWT only have the large Juicy hangtag (as seen in the corner of this picture) and possibly the protection tag. Fake Juicy tags ARE made, so an advertisement of tags should not influence your decision regarding a product's authenticity. This goes for clothing also, although hoodies will have the 'Protect your J zipper' tag. In my opinion, as of right now, getting a photo of an attached Juicy price tag is the best sign of authenticity you can get online. I have seen some poor imitations of Juicy's price tags, but I've never seen a good one. Make sure you know what the real tags look like, since counterfeiters seem to be attempting to create fake price tags. EDIT: I recently purchased a Juicy sweatsuit for a friend for Christmas on ebay, and although the suit had what appeared to be authentic tags (including a tag from a reputable retail website), the suit was fake. This transaction definitely made me more wary of purchasing Juicy clothing online - the authenticity of the clothing is more difficult to ascertain from photos than that of bags. Also be aware that Juicy uses gold tags with their logo and 'Choose Juicy' on one side, and the price/sizing/color information on the other.

Juicy Couture Tags

Over the years, Juicy Couture hang tags have also had several changes. The first Juicy hang tags that I can remember were a solid black back with “Juicy Couture” in white They also had the Protect your “j” tag as well as the thicker Juicy crest tag. The Crest tag had an opaque label with the style name, number and color name as well as the size printed on it.

When Liz Claiborne bought the company, Juicy changed the tags to the gold thick crest tag, along with the thinner rectangle tag with the gold back and the color name & number at the top and the style name, and the removable price at the bottom.

One tag Juicy NEVER had is a triangular tag: If your Juicy Has a triangular tag IT IS FAKE!! This triangle tag attached to a Juicy sweat suit is the obvious mark of a fake!

FAKE Store Labels: This year, I have also noticed that the manufacturers of fake Juicy have begun to create fake labels to stick on their tags. These labels used to be a good way to distinguish authentic Juicy Swimwear, etc. Well, now if you see an sticker on the Juicy tag of the item you are buying, it may NOT be from ASK your seller for a copy of the receipt from Adasa emails you a receipt of purchase and includes one in the package, so the seller should be able to email you a copy. If you really want to be certain that it is from or another online retailer, call the company once you have the receipt in hand. They should be able to confirm the items purchased from the invoice/purchase number.

Juicy Couture only puts the “Protect your J Zipper” tag on the hoodies, NOT the pants and NEVER the handbags” If your pants or bag has this tag it is a fake!